
"Thank you for your interest in Texas Corners Bible Church. We would humbly ask that before you leave our web site
that you would take a moment to pray that God would continue to bless, prosper and use Texas Corners Bible Church.
Thank you and may God bless you."
- David E. Thompson, Pastor/Teacher

Submit a comment or question to Pastor/Teacher David E. Thompson.

Welcome to Texas Corners Bible Church

We are dedicated to serious, systematic teaching of the books of the Bible and doctrines of the faith and to the protection and promotion of worship that reverences and honors God.

Texas Corners Bible Church is streaming our services live, Sundays at 10AM and 6PM.

The webcast button below will turn red during live streams. Our Sunday services are at 10AM and 6PM Eastern Standard Time.

News and Announcements:

NEW! 2024.10.20


We are pleased to announce the study 'THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH'. Excerpt:"We think the Church should know what to think about this moment when Jesus Christ will come back and for the Church that moment is called “The Rapture of the Church.” In the next few studies, we would like to do our best to give us a clear and accurate understanding of this." You can start accessing the study on 10/20/2024 from SermonAudio.com or using the menu system above.

NEW! 2024.08.04


We are pleased to announce the study 'EXPOSITION OF 1 TIMOTHY'. Excerpt:"God expects His church to be a place that is so grounded in His precious word that it is able to see through anything false and protect the people from any teaching that is not sound." You can start accessing the study on 8/4/2024 from SermonAudio.com or using the menu system above.

NEW! 2024.04.21


We are pleased to announce the study 'EXPOSITION OF 1 KINGS'. Excerpt:"1 Kings is a book about politics and power. It is a book about immorality and idolatry. But 1 Kings is also a book about God." You can start accessing the study on 4/21/2024 from SermonAudio.com or using the menu system above.

Church Services Schedule 

Sunday: Worship Services (March 30, 2025)

  • 9:00 AM: Children's Sunday School
  • 9:00 AM: Adult Sunday School
  • 10:00 AM: Morning Worship Service Exposition of Mark - Mark 7:14-23
  • 6:00 PM: Evening Worship Service - Exposition of 1 Thessalonians - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

Sunday: Communion Service

  • April 6, 2024

Wednesdays: Bible Study 

  • 7:30 PM: Bible Study - Dispensationalism

Prayer Meetings Schedule 


  • 9:30 AM: Pre-Service Prayer Meeting at the Church
  • 5:30 PM: Pre-Service Prayer Meeting at the Church


  • 6:45 PM: Pre-Service Prayer Meeting at the Church


  • 10:00 AM: Ladies Prayer Group Meeting at the Church


  • 6:00 AM: Men's Prayer Breakfast at Antique Kitchen

Latest Sunday Morning Sermon

Latest Sunday Evening Sermon

Latest Wednesday Evening Study