Work Begins on the Back Lot in November 2013
Initial Footing are Going In for the New Sanctuary
Trusses, Other Supplies, and Equipment on the Back Lot
Framework Soars Skyward on New Sanctuary
Footings Going In for Connector to Current Church Building
Posts Frame the New Sanctuary Location Behind the Current Church Building
Steel Beam in Place Over Front of Sanctuary, Trusses Being Installed
Roof Now on Very Open New Sanctuary
The Pulpit Area Gets Exterior Siding
Office and Nursery/Library Wings Being Framed
Deep Freeze Shows on the Yet Exposed Framing
Equipment Outside the West Door, Pastor's Office to the Left, Bathrooms to the Right
Panoramic View of Construction Site
New Church Steeple Erected
Many of our local contractors are believers in our Awesome Lord, Praise be to God!!
Some of the air handling piping for air exchange and air conditioning.
In floor heating tubes and ready for concrete.
Sanctuary floor being prepared.
Narthex floor being prepared for in floor heating and concrete.
The new siding going on.
Insulation being sprayed into the walls.
Narthex floor.
Connecting to the city water main.
Heating coils throughout the entire new building
Narthex before interior walls for library, Pastors and Secretaries office are installed.
The cry room for parents and their children with viewing window, mezzanine for air handling above.
New baptistry.
We're now waiting for asphalt.
The Pastor getting familiar with the new pulpit.
The Pastor's new domain.
The new asphalt.
The Pastor's new office to house his many books.
The grid work for the new ceiling.
The new pulpit where God's Holy Word will be brought to life.
Tile work being done by Modern Tile & Carpet.
The new front entrance.
Some of the new plantings required by the local township.
Front of sanctuary.
Panoramic view of back of sanctuary.
New church building at night.